Elisabed Khazaradze
Italy / IED Instituto europeo di design
"Hello, my name is Liza Khazaradze, I am a third year student at IED Istituto Europeo di Design in the field of interior and furniture design. I have been fascinated by drawing and art since childhood but after graduating from school I realized that I wanted to continue my career in design. While applying, I was not sure which field of design I wanted to work in. So I decided to take an academic year and find out more about my own desires and interests.
In the process of searching I discovered that I wanted to study interior and furniture design in Italy. I was helped to make my dreams come true by Georgian Academic Abroad, the organization through which the most difficult process turned into a simple and enjoyable process. I remember being nervous after sending the paperwork, though the response was not delayed and I enrolled at IED, Florence with 50% funding. I will never forget the joys and emotions I experienced on the day I received the answer. I knew that soon my life would change, and I would become a student in my dream city, a city that inspires and amazes me day by day. Unfortunately, after finishing my first year, I had to return to Tbilisi because of the coronavirus, where I attended my second year online. Although I could not attend the learning process in the auditorium, this did not reduce the level of education and did not make the learning process less interesting. The IED University has managed to maintain the joy of learning among students during the Covid Pandemic. After a year of waiting I am back in Florence and continuing my studies. The IED helped me realize my dreams, enabled me to work with leading brands in the field of interior and furniture, figured out who I wanted to be in the future, and created an accurate representation of my career steps.
I now realize that I am not yet ready to say goodbye to Florence, which is why I applied to the Georgian Academic Abroad for the second time now to pursue a Master's degree and chose the University of Marangoni. This is the second time GAA has helped me realize my dream.”
16 March 2024